I'm always saving books and supplies because - well what will happen if I discard something that I need next year? Or, I can't throw this away - if I teach this subject in the future, I might need this. What resources and materials should be kept and which ones should be donated or trashed?
Well, I took the plunge and began opening up my stockpile of educational supplies...
What have I found so far in my stockpile:
- Mimeograph books : Our district no longer uses them, and they are 20 yrs obsolete - trash
- Incomplete bingo sets: Missing too many dice - trash
- Set of geography books saved from the dumpster - review for currency then either donate or trash
- Class copies of old worksheets: Why did I save these? Trash
- Teacher resources for subjects that I won't teach again: Collated and donated to private schools
Dear friends -
Beginning this week, I will be focusing on completing the Ramadan fast. Therefore, I will be posting articles only once per week until mid-August. Please check in each Monday for a new posting!