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Do you really know the content of your subject area? |
If you consider yourself a good teacher, just how good are you? Take this quiz and see how well you do:
- Do you know your content - its standards, processes, scope and sequence?
- Have you kept current with the new trends, style and substance for your content area?
- Do you belong to a professional organization for teaching your subject?
- Have you subscribed to any professional journals?
- How do you differentiate in order to meet the needs of all of your students?
- Do you keep current in your content by attending professional development workshops to improve your practice?
- What was the last book that you read in your subject area?
Don't feel badly if you come up short in any of these areas. As teachers, however, we have a gift of time each summer to improve our teaching skills. That is, if we want to be seen as accomplished. One of the elements that is necessary to be recognized as accomplished is knowing your content and also knowing how to share that content with your students. The National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) lists this as its second core proposition:
Teachers know the subjects that they teach, and know how to teach those subjects to their students.
How close are you to being an accomplished teacher?