There are not too many jobs around that form the basis for all other jobs on the planet. However, in order to have any job, we must be taught how to do it. These people who teach us how to do it are being honored this week - our teachers. Now, our teachers can be the people who instructed us and educated us in front of a classroom and shared lessons about history, math, reading and science. However, our teachers were often much more than content specialists. Our teachers also gave us guidance when we needed to know how to get somewhere, somehow. Our teachers gave us support when we stumbled along the way, chastened us if we came up short and congratulated us when we achieved our goals. What about the persons who taught us about loyalty and friendship? These same teachers offered us life lessons when needed. And jokes, some of my teachers told the best and the corniest jokes! Wow. I don't remember all of my teachers, sadly some of them didn't leave an impression worth remembering. But those who I do remember will carry me forward, and have probably made me the educator that I am today. Thank you teachers, your efforts carry on.
Here is a video that I would like to share in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. It is from the Teaching Channel, an excellent source for teacher materials, resources and videos.
(Note: please stop the video as soon as the speaker is finished. Thanks)